Por David Sanchez
TOURNIQUET is not only a band, it is a registered trademark of originality, genius, intense and powerful music.

Their lyrical influences range from Old Testament narratives to Edgar Allan Poe's horror stories.

Ted Kirkpatrick is the leader, founder and lead composer, who shares in each album his passion for drums, classical music and animals, shaping his own label.

Exclusively for Latin America, Ted Kirkpatrick gives this interview to Metalbreed Magazine.

Metalbreed: Hi Ted, Thanks for your time.How would you describe the style of music you play?

Ted Kirkpatrick: Thrash, Metal, Progressive! I think Progressive Metal, but I really do not like the categories. As you know our music has many forms; Pregressive, Metal, Thrash, Doom, Speed ​​Metal, Stoner among others.

MB: When did you start with the band? Why did you choose that name?

T.K: The band started in 1989 in Los Angeles. Tourniquet: Psalm 147: 3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

MB: What was the first song that was written for Tourniquet?

T.K: The first song he wrote was "The Test for Leprosy". The number one song of our first production was "Stop The Bleeding".

 MB: What happened to the first members of the band that played in "Stop The Bleeding", Mark Lewis and Erik Jam James? Why in the "Ark Of Suffering" video did we see Victor Macias and Eric Mendez for the first time? What happened to Devino, are you still in contact with him?

T.K: No idea what happened with ML and EJJ. I'm still in touch with Devino occasionally, he's a good friend.

MB: Before you played with Tourniquet, you had played with the band Trouble, what could you tell us about that?

T.K: Just a couple of presentations with them. Big guys, great music. Bruce Franklin and I are still good friends and he played some very good solos with us. Also Eric Wagner, he made good voices for my CD "El Cuervo" playing Edgar Allan Poe.

MB: Would this situation be comparable to Megadeth / Metallica? If Trouble asked you to come back to the band, Would you leave  tourniquet?

T.K: No, but I'm sure I would play in some presentations with them. Now they have a great band together.

MB: Of all the places you played, Which do you think was the best and why?

T.K: All the places are great. Really true. Many fans and friendly. There are crazy fans all over the world.

MB: Would you like to play somewhere in the world that you haven't visited with Tourniquet?

T.K: Many places in Europe, throughout Central and South America, and more places in the United States as well.

MB: Do you have plans for Latin America and the Caribbean? How about Argentina, the home of Metalbreed magazine? There you have big fans

Yes, I hope to go to Argentina someday, maybe in 2018, after the new CD comes out, there are wonderful fans.

MB: With what Christian band would you like to play or tour, and with what secular band?

T.K: I really do not have preferences.

"The image summarizes my passion for drums and my love for all animals." Ted.

MB: What kind of music do you listen to? Do you like to listen to a Christian or secular band on your CD player?

T.K: My true love is always classical music. That is the brilliant, magical, crazy and beautiful music, "from the other world" for me. 

But I love many Christian bands from Abated Mass of Flesh to Stryper and something in between: For Today, Disciple, Keith Green and many others. Secular, (because I like music): Nile, Cattle Decapitation, Bullet for My Valentine, Sleep, ELP, King Crimson, Old Iron Maiden, Ramones, Robin Trower, NOFX, etc.

MB: We know that Michael Sweet recorded a song with you and that Tim Gaines of Stryper played for Tourniquet before. Have you heard about the controversy between them? Do you have an opinion?

T.K: we will respect it. I will not comment. I love you all: Tim, Michael, Robert and Oz.

MB: What does Jesus Christ mean to you?

T.K: A journey through life with God, who loved us first. It means everything.

MB: Where and how did you celebrate Thanksgiving? 

T.K: I dined on the beach near where I live. (Without turkey, of course)

MB: Does your family support your music?

T.K: Yes, they do and they always will.

MB: Ted, we heard from you during Hurricane Irma in Florida and that you decided to stay to help people and animals. What can you tell us about your experience? Where were you exactly?

T.K: We live north of Miami, on the Atlantic side of Florida. The hurricane changed direction and did not give us directly, not so hard. I was ready to help people and animals, but it was not so serious here.

MB: Who are the current members of the band?

T.K: At this moment, we're just Aaron Guerra and me. But live we have 5 members and more Lineup for live performances


MB: Are you working on a new album?

T.K: Yes! Spring 2018. I can not wait for people to hear it.

MB: Some final words for our readers.

T.K: Seek God, be good to your neighbor, be kind to animals and live with a purpose.

MB: Thanks for the interview and give us your time. We hope to see you in Argentina or somewhere else at some time. Thank you for being part of our Metalbreed family.

YouTube: Tourniquet Official  

Photos:  Website Tourniquet - Consuelo Parra

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